Hôtel Continental, Paris/France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 001Hôtel Continental, Salon Mauresque; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 002Hôtel Continental, Guestroom; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 003Hôtel Continental & Rue de Castiglione; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 004Hôtel Continental, Ballroom; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 005Hôtel Continental, Louis XVI Hall; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 006Hôtel Continental, Guestroom; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 007Hôtel Continental, rue de Castiglione entrance; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 008Hôtel Continental & Rue de Castiglione; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 009Hôtel Continental, view from the Tuileries Garden; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 010Hôtel Continental & Rue de Rivoli; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 011Hôtel Continental, view from the Tuileries Garden; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 012Hôtel Continental, Billiard Room; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 013Hôtel Continental, Inner Courtyard; Paris, France
CONTINENTAL PARIS 014Hôtel Continental, Verandah/Louis XVI Hall; Paris, France
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